She isn't headed to Foxwoods to play slots. Crushing home buyers dreams is her game. She's got cash and she's ready to spend it on that house you have your eye on. Can you beat her? For sure, I'll show you. See houses open today at this link

Who's the house buyer bidding against you? All cash, no contingencies, willing to risk it all and go big? Chances are it could be a little lady like her or her husband, if they are both still together, look out. He's got a hammer and isn't afraid to use it. She doesn't want him on a ladder but he'll go anyway.
Recently after a tough win, a lady like this found me yelled at me because my client won. I felt terribly, I explained my job is to beat the competition when my buyers tell me they want to win. She hired me.
As you stroll through open houses today, chances are good your toughest competition is one of two buyer types. Know the type, plan accordingly. Want to know how to be the only offer and skip competing? Read til the bottom.
First let's get to know the 3 most common types of buyers moves, then let's talk about our better moves.

If you are seeing a *ranch* with an on grade garage OR a house with a *first floor master* and attached garage you better believe down sizers are calling me on the actual phone to talk about how to win it. Wood rot, worn shingles, paint, carpet, laminate none of that scares them, they raised their kids in the 60,70's and 80s. They aren't testing for radon and have the cash on hand to make repairs. Don't let that scare you, we can beat grandma if we have a plan, sorry grandma.
My buyer 1 types are a hoot, they know they are tough to beat, they strut around and tell people the truth - they are going to win the house. Every time I watch one strut in, swagger on 10, telling people it's their house I can't help but chuckle inside.

My buyer 2 types are so much fun to work with because we see the joy the parents get from either giving them a down payment boost, co signing the loan to get them across the finish line or moving in with them so they can help with the grandkids and live out their last years together. I love it.

When I started we had thousands for sale, now we have hundreds, still more than we had last year or year before in almost all towns.
What's out there? What are the 3 types of pricing structures? What do you watch for?

What's better for our buyers is occasionally they don't know they priced low and they take the first good offer they get. As a buyer representative my job is to get you the best house for the lowest price at the terms you want. I love these houses for you.

Boomers with the big houses, on the cul de sacs, with the flat lots and wide open set backs between the homes that everyone wants aren't selling to new people. There isn't enough senior living being built, not enough housing they deem affordable, and when they do move they are scooping up the ranches. Ask me how to pre plan a downsizing move for your parents or yourself. We have a partner who is a senior living advocate who can help.
What's to come?
So the idea that the amount of homes for sale in New England is about to jump up drastically is a tough one to believe. I just don't see how and believe me I'm watching the signs.
The idea that rates will dip more than a half point anytime soon feels like a struggle to believe as well. Inflation is still too high AND those low covid rates weren't real. There's no sign in the economy that suggests we will get back there ever.
IF and it's a big IF - if we did get back there prices would go bonkers like they did the first time so the savings would wipe out the prices and make houses less affordable. This isn't the play for serious buyers. Rate dips half percent, home prices go up 5% ish, doesn't make sense. Trying to sit this season out, save more money for your down payment? Trying to out save the market? Let's talk. I can show you exactly how much you need to make it worth it.
You have probably heard "Date the rate, marry the house". It is not a great concept in my opinion. If rates go down enough to make refinancing sensible, phenomenal go for it. I did and I will again if the rates look good.
Instead use this early spring / spring season to look for well priced and well positioned houses that are on market now, when there is less competition owned by a serious home seller to get the best deals of the year.
And for those who ask, no I don't use AI for my stories, they come from the heart. They come from life experience, from real things I do, have done, will do. From real people I meet.
I love to use AI for repetitive tasks not for sharing and bearing my soul to my friends here.